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Google has taken over.

Help me if you know what on earth I did. I should know these things, Google intuitive? No. Me thinks not. A client asked about whether or not a particular email address was available on gmail. here I come. After plugging in the suggested email, it attached it, automatically, without need of password primary to ALL of my Google accounts. It could not be deleted as it had become my 'primary' email after others had been deleted in my attempt to get 'rid' of it from my account. Google is difficult to navigate should there be issues with your 'account' that takes over everything. Google+ is dead anyway. Who uses it? If you're interested in it I can surely set that up for you but I don't see the reason for it when Facebook and Instagram are doing an amazing job. I hear it's good for 'meeting people you want to know', isn't that what LinkedIn is for? My business no longer has a G+ page or YouTube.. or the other myriad of services that I kept just because I should as a social media manager. The only thing I used Google for is 'OK Google'... on my phone and Google Play Store. You guessed it. My main email for Google is no longer my business name but an email for a realtor. Please email me if you have any idea how that happened. Google SEO isn't as important as it used to be either. I've been waiting for Google to get better for Social and marketing but I haven't seen it. Caught in the ever changing landscape of Social Media Marketing; I'll get the popcorn and see what happens next.

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